[bitcoin-dev] Status updates for BIP 9, 68, 112, and 113
Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev
2016-08-18 21:09:00 UTC
I'm not sure why it is labeled as only "Informational" in the first
place, as BIP9 is part of the consensus logic.
Only by proxy/inclusion from another BIP, such as 68, 112, and 113. In
other words, BIP 9 is informational in that it advises how other BIPs
might deploy themselves.
It's a bit of grey area, as indeed, only the BIPs that are actual softforks
are consensus changes - which employ this mechanism for deployment. But I
think such an important deployment mechanism, which is supposed to be used
by all softforks from now onwards, shouldn't just be an informational BIP.
As things stand right now, none of the Authors have commented on changing the
type. It has been a month, and I am prepared to change the status to Final or
Active; but I am unclear if your comments were an objection to changing the
status or not.

Last call: Does anyone mind if I update BIP 9 to Final status?

Btc Drak via bitcoin-dev
2016-08-18 23:05:59 UTC
Fine by me to update BIP68 and BIP112 to Final status. The forks have
Daniel Cousens opened the issue a few weeks ago, that BIP 9 should
progress to
Accepted stage. However, as an informational BIP, it is not entirely clear
whether it falls in the Draft/Accepted/Final classification of proposals
requiring implementation, or the Draft/Active classification like process
(Discussion on the GitHub BIPs repo is *NOT* recommended, hence bringing
topic to the mailing list)
- BIPs 68, 112, 113, and 141 are themselves implementations of BIP 9
-- therefore, BIP 9 falls under the Draft/Accepted/Final class
- BIPs 68, 112, and 113 have been deployed to the network successfully
-- therefore, BIP 9 has satisfied the conditions of not only Accepted
but also Final status
-- therefore, BIPs 68, 112, and 113 also ought to be Final status
If there are no objections, I plan to update the status to Final for BIPs
68, 112, and 113 in one month. Since all four BIPs are currently Draft, I
need at least one author from each BIP to sign-off on promoting them to
beyond) Accepted.