Bram Cohen via bitcoin-dev
2015-11-07 01:25:53 UTC
(My apologies for a 'drive-by' posting. I'm not subscribed to this mailing
list but this post may be of interest here. If you'd like to make sure I
see a response send it to me directly. This post was originally posted to
the web at
Since transaction fees are a good thing (see ), that
brings up the question: How should wallets handle them? This essay is an
expansion of my talk at the bitcoin scaling conference (see
Ground Rules
To answer this question we first need to lay down some ground rules of what
weâre trying to solve. Weâll focus on trying to solve the problem for
consumer wallets only. Weâll be ignoring microchannels, which dramatically
reduce the number of transactions used but still have to put some on the
blockchain. Weâll also be assuming that full replace by fee is in effect
because the best solution uses that fairly aggressively.
What should transaction fees be?
Before figuring out how wallets should calculate transaction fees, we first
need to know what transaction fees should be. The obvious solution to that
question is straightforward: It should be determined by supply and demand.
The price is set at the point where the supply and demand curves meet. But
supply and demand curves, while mostly accurate, are a little too simple of
a model to use, because they donât take into account time. In the real
world, the supply of space for transactions is extremely noisy, because
more becomes available (and has to be immediately consumed or itâs lost
forever) every time a block is minted, and block minting is an
intentionally random process, that randomness being essential for
consensus. Demand is random and cyclical. Random because each transaction
is generated individually so the total amount is noisy (although that
averages out to be somewhat smooth at scale) and has both daily and weekly
cycles, with more transactions done during the day than at night.
What all these result in is that there should be a reward for patience. If
you want or need to get your transaction in quicker you should have to pay
on average a higher fee, and if youâre willing to wait longer it should on
average cost less. Inevitably this will result in transactions taking on
average longer than one block to go through, but it doesnât require it of
everyone. Those who wish to offer high fees to be sure of getting into the
very next block are free to do so, but if everyone were to do that the
system would fall apart.
What should the wallet user interface be?
Ideally transaction fees would be handled in a way which didnât require
changes to a walletâs user interface at all. Unfortunately that isnât
possible. At a minimum itâs necessary to have a maximum fee which the user
is willing to spend in order to make a transaction go through, which of
course means that some transactions will fail because they arenât willing
to pay enough, which is the whole point of having transaction fees in the
first place.
Because transaction fees should be lower for people willing to wait longer,
there should be some kind of patience parameter as well. The simplest form
of this is an amount of time which the wallet will spend trying to make the
transaction go through before giving up (Technically it may make sense to
specify block height instead of wall clock time, but thatâs close enough to
not change anything meaningful). This results in fairly understandable
concepts of a transaction being âpendingâ and âfailedâ which happen at
predictable times.
Transactions eventually getting into a âfailedâ state instead of going into
permanent limbo is an important part of the wallet fee user experience.
Unfortunately right now the only way to make sure that a transaction is
permanently failed is to spend its input on something else, but that
requires spending a transaction fee on the canceling transaction, which of
course would be just as big as the fee you werenât willing to spend to make
the real transaction go through in the first place.
Whatâs needed is a protocol extension so a transaction can make it
impossible for it to be committed once a certain block height has been
reached. The current lack of such an extension is somewhat intentional
because there are significant potential problems with transactions going
bad because a block reorganization happened and some previously accepted
transactions canât ever be recommitted because their max block height got
surpassed. To combat this, when a transaction with a max block height gets
committed near its cutoff itâs necessary to wait a longer than usual number
of blocks to be sure that itâs safe (Iâm intentionally not giving specific
numbers here, some developers have suggested extremely conservative
values). This waiting is annoying but should only apply in the edge case of
failed transactions and is straightforward to implement. The really big
problem is that given the way Bitcoin works today itâs very hard to add
this sort of extension. If any backwards-incompatible change to Bitcoin is
done, it would be a very good idea to use that opportunity to improve
Bitcoinâs extension mechanisms in general and this one in particular.
What information to use
The most obvious piece of information to use for setting transaction fees
is past transaction fees from the last few blocks. This has a number of
problems. If the fee rate goes high, it can get stuck there and take a
while to come down, if ever, even though the equilibrium price should be
lower. A telltale sign of this is high fee blocks which arenât full, but
itâs trivial for miners to get around that by padding their blocks with
self-paying transactions. To some extent this sort of monopoly pricing is
inherent, but normally it would require a cabal of most miners to pull it
off, because any one miner can make more money in the short term by
accepting every transaction they can instead of restricting the supply of
available transaction space. If transaction fees are sticky, a large but
still minority miner can make money for themselves even in the short term
by artificially pumping fees in one of their blocks because fees will
probably still be high by the time of their next block.
Past fees also create problems for SPV clients, who have to trust the full
nodes they connect to to report past fees accurately. That could be
mitigated by making an extension to the block format to, for example,
report what the minimum fee per bytes paid in this block is in the headers.
It isnât clear exactly what that extension should do though. Maybe you want
to know the minimum, or the median, or the 25th percentile, or all of the
above. Itâs also possible for miners to game the system by making a bunch
of full nodes which only report blocks which are a few back when fees have
recently dropped. There are already some incentives to do that sort of bad
behavior, and it can be mitigated by having SPV clients connect to more
full nodes than they currently do and always go with the max work, but SPV
clients donât currently do that properly, and itâs unfortunate to create
more incentives for bad behavior.
Another potential source of information for transaction fees is currently
pending transactions in the network. This has a whole lot of problems. Itâs
extremely noisy, much more so than regular transaction fees, because (a)
sometimes a backlog of transactions builds up if no blocks happen to have
happened in a while (b) sometimes there arenât many transactions if a bunch
of blocks went through quickly, and (c) in the future full nodes can and
should have a policy of only forwarding transactions which are likely to
get accepted sometime soon given the other transactions in their pools.
Mempool is also trivially gameable, in exactly the same way as the last few
blocks are gameable, but worse: A miner who wishes to increase fees can run
a whole lot of full nodes and report much higher fees than are really
happening. Unlike with fee reporting in blocks, thereâs no way for SPV
clients to audit this properly, even with a protocol extension, and itâs
possible for full nodes to lie in a much more precise and targetted manner.
Creating such a strong incentive for such a trivial and potentially
lucrative attack seems like a very bad idea.
A walletâs best information to use when setting price are the things which
can be absolutely verified locally: The amount itâs hand to pay in the
past, the current time, how much itâs willing to pay by when. All of these
have unambiguous meanings, precise mathematical values, and no way for
anybody else to game them. A wallet can start at a minimum value, and every
time a new block is minted which doesnât accept its transaction increase
its fee a little, until finally reaching its maximum value at the very end.
Full nodes can then follow the behavior of storing and forwarding along
several blocksâs worth of transactions, ten times sounds reasonable,
ignoring transactions which pay less per byte than the ones they have
stored, and further requiring that a new block be minted between times when
a single transaction gets replaced by fee. That policy both has the
property of being extremely denial-of-service resistant and minimizing the
damage to zeroconf. (Zeroconf is a bad idea, but if something is a good
idea to do for other reasons reducing the pain to those stuck with zeroconf
is a nice bonus.)
An actual formula
At long last, here is the formula I advocate using:
Pick a starting point which is de minimis for your first transaction or 1/2
(or less, configurable) your last fee paid if youâve sent coin before
Let B = max number of blocks from start before giving up, S = starting fee,
M = max fee
For each new block at height H from the start, post a new transaction with
fee e^(lg(S) + (lg(M) â lg(S)) * H/B)
To avoid artifacts when multiple wallets use the same magic numbers, do
this before the first block: pick V uniformly in [0, 1], let S = e^(lg(S) +
(lg(M) â lg(S)) * (V/(V+B)))
The very first time you send coin it makes sense to give it a longer time
to do the transaction because itâs starting from a very low value and you
donât want to way overshoot the amount necessary. But if you start from the
standard absolute minimum fee in Bitcoin and put the maximum time at
several hours it will increase by less than 10% per block, so exponential
growth is on your side.
It might be reasonable to, for example, start at a value which is a
discount to the minimum paid in the last block if that value is less than
what you would start with otherwise and if thereâs a protocol extension to
put that information in the block headers. Such possibilities should be
studied and discussed more, but the formula I gave above should be the
default starting point if you simply want something which works and is
conservative and reliable.
Sidebar: Handling utxo combining
Whenever a wallet makes a payment, it needs to decide how to structure the
inputs and outputs of the new transaction. Generally the output consists of
two utxos, one of them going to the recipient and one of them going back
into the original wallet. Which input or inputs to use is less clear.
Usually an attempt is made to optimize for anonymity, or at least leaking
as little information as possible, and thereâs usually a comment in the
code saying what amounts to âI canât clearly justify any particular
strategy here but this is what Iâm doingâ.
When there are real transaction fees, one might consider trying to optimize
utxo combining for fees. The strategy used turns out to matter surprisingly
little for fees in the long run. For every separate utxo in your wallet,
youâll eventually have to pay the fee to combine it with something else,
and the amount of increase in fee will be the same regardless of whether
you do it in the current transaction or a later transaction. It does make
sense to include more inputs in earlier versions of a payment though,
because the fees at that time are lower, and drop them in later versions
once the fees have gone up, in the hopes that the utxo consolidation can be
done for cheaper in some later transaction. It may also make sense to do
completely separate purely consolidation transactions with no external
output during off-peak times. That puts more bytes on the blockchain
because of the unnecessary intermediary value it generates though, so there
needs to be a significant difference in fees between peak and off-peak
times for it to make sense. Both of those techniques have significant and
unclear privacy implications and should be studied more.
There are also signing tricks which could potentially save significant
amounts of bytes on the blockchain, thus lowering fees. The most elegant
would be to create a new extension so that when there are multiple inputs
to a transaction which all use Schnorr the signature can be a single
combination signature instead of separate signatures for each of them. This
has very little downside and Iâm strongly in favor of it being done.
A simpler, less elegant trick which saves more bytes would be to allow
multiple inputs to the same transaction which use the same key to only
result in a single signature. This lowers privacy, because it gives away
the association between utxos before theyâre consolidated, but if used
properly would only push back that reveal a little bit. The danger is that
wallets would instead use it improperly and use the same key all the time,
which would always save as many bytes as possible but be a privacy disaster.
A trick which is a just plain bad idea, although it would save even more
bytes, would be not count the bytes of the reveal of a p2sh script to count
if that exact same script has ever been used before. This is clearly a bad
idea, because it directly encourages extremely privacy-averse behavior, and
because it necessitates a data structure of all p2sh scripts which have
ever been done before for validation, which is quite large and costly to
list but this post may be of interest here. If you'd like to make sure I
see a response send it to me directly. This post was originally posted to
the web at
Since transaction fees are a good thing (see ), that
brings up the question: How should wallets handle them? This essay is an
expansion of my talk at the bitcoin scaling conference (see
Ground Rules
To answer this question we first need to lay down some ground rules of what
weâre trying to solve. Weâll focus on trying to solve the problem for
consumer wallets only. Weâll be ignoring microchannels, which dramatically
reduce the number of transactions used but still have to put some on the
blockchain. Weâll also be assuming that full replace by fee is in effect
because the best solution uses that fairly aggressively.
What should transaction fees be?
Before figuring out how wallets should calculate transaction fees, we first
need to know what transaction fees should be. The obvious solution to that
question is straightforward: It should be determined by supply and demand.
The price is set at the point where the supply and demand curves meet. But
supply and demand curves, while mostly accurate, are a little too simple of
a model to use, because they donât take into account time. In the real
world, the supply of space for transactions is extremely noisy, because
more becomes available (and has to be immediately consumed or itâs lost
forever) every time a block is minted, and block minting is an
intentionally random process, that randomness being essential for
consensus. Demand is random and cyclical. Random because each transaction
is generated individually so the total amount is noisy (although that
averages out to be somewhat smooth at scale) and has both daily and weekly
cycles, with more transactions done during the day than at night.
What all these result in is that there should be a reward for patience. If
you want or need to get your transaction in quicker you should have to pay
on average a higher fee, and if youâre willing to wait longer it should on
average cost less. Inevitably this will result in transactions taking on
average longer than one block to go through, but it doesnât require it of
everyone. Those who wish to offer high fees to be sure of getting into the
very next block are free to do so, but if everyone were to do that the
system would fall apart.
What should the wallet user interface be?
Ideally transaction fees would be handled in a way which didnât require
changes to a walletâs user interface at all. Unfortunately that isnât
possible. At a minimum itâs necessary to have a maximum fee which the user
is willing to spend in order to make a transaction go through, which of
course means that some transactions will fail because they arenât willing
to pay enough, which is the whole point of having transaction fees in the
first place.
Because transaction fees should be lower for people willing to wait longer,
there should be some kind of patience parameter as well. The simplest form
of this is an amount of time which the wallet will spend trying to make the
transaction go through before giving up (Technically it may make sense to
specify block height instead of wall clock time, but thatâs close enough to
not change anything meaningful). This results in fairly understandable
concepts of a transaction being âpendingâ and âfailedâ which happen at
predictable times.
Transactions eventually getting into a âfailedâ state instead of going into
permanent limbo is an important part of the wallet fee user experience.
Unfortunately right now the only way to make sure that a transaction is
permanently failed is to spend its input on something else, but that
requires spending a transaction fee on the canceling transaction, which of
course would be just as big as the fee you werenât willing to spend to make
the real transaction go through in the first place.
Whatâs needed is a protocol extension so a transaction can make it
impossible for it to be committed once a certain block height has been
reached. The current lack of such an extension is somewhat intentional
because there are significant potential problems with transactions going
bad because a block reorganization happened and some previously accepted
transactions canât ever be recommitted because their max block height got
surpassed. To combat this, when a transaction with a max block height gets
committed near its cutoff itâs necessary to wait a longer than usual number
of blocks to be sure that itâs safe (Iâm intentionally not giving specific
numbers here, some developers have suggested extremely conservative
values). This waiting is annoying but should only apply in the edge case of
failed transactions and is straightforward to implement. The really big
problem is that given the way Bitcoin works today itâs very hard to add
this sort of extension. If any backwards-incompatible change to Bitcoin is
done, it would be a very good idea to use that opportunity to improve
Bitcoinâs extension mechanisms in general and this one in particular.
What information to use
The most obvious piece of information to use for setting transaction fees
is past transaction fees from the last few blocks. This has a number of
problems. If the fee rate goes high, it can get stuck there and take a
while to come down, if ever, even though the equilibrium price should be
lower. A telltale sign of this is high fee blocks which arenât full, but
itâs trivial for miners to get around that by padding their blocks with
self-paying transactions. To some extent this sort of monopoly pricing is
inherent, but normally it would require a cabal of most miners to pull it
off, because any one miner can make more money in the short term by
accepting every transaction they can instead of restricting the supply of
available transaction space. If transaction fees are sticky, a large but
still minority miner can make money for themselves even in the short term
by artificially pumping fees in one of their blocks because fees will
probably still be high by the time of their next block.
Past fees also create problems for SPV clients, who have to trust the full
nodes they connect to to report past fees accurately. That could be
mitigated by making an extension to the block format to, for example,
report what the minimum fee per bytes paid in this block is in the headers.
It isnât clear exactly what that extension should do though. Maybe you want
to know the minimum, or the median, or the 25th percentile, or all of the
above. Itâs also possible for miners to game the system by making a bunch
of full nodes which only report blocks which are a few back when fees have
recently dropped. There are already some incentives to do that sort of bad
behavior, and it can be mitigated by having SPV clients connect to more
full nodes than they currently do and always go with the max work, but SPV
clients donât currently do that properly, and itâs unfortunate to create
more incentives for bad behavior.
Another potential source of information for transaction fees is currently
pending transactions in the network. This has a whole lot of problems. Itâs
extremely noisy, much more so than regular transaction fees, because (a)
sometimes a backlog of transactions builds up if no blocks happen to have
happened in a while (b) sometimes there arenât many transactions if a bunch
of blocks went through quickly, and (c) in the future full nodes can and
should have a policy of only forwarding transactions which are likely to
get accepted sometime soon given the other transactions in their pools.
Mempool is also trivially gameable, in exactly the same way as the last few
blocks are gameable, but worse: A miner who wishes to increase fees can run
a whole lot of full nodes and report much higher fees than are really
happening. Unlike with fee reporting in blocks, thereâs no way for SPV
clients to audit this properly, even with a protocol extension, and itâs
possible for full nodes to lie in a much more precise and targetted manner.
Creating such a strong incentive for such a trivial and potentially
lucrative attack seems like a very bad idea.
A walletâs best information to use when setting price are the things which
can be absolutely verified locally: The amount itâs hand to pay in the
past, the current time, how much itâs willing to pay by when. All of these
have unambiguous meanings, precise mathematical values, and no way for
anybody else to game them. A wallet can start at a minimum value, and every
time a new block is minted which doesnât accept its transaction increase
its fee a little, until finally reaching its maximum value at the very end.
Full nodes can then follow the behavior of storing and forwarding along
several blocksâs worth of transactions, ten times sounds reasonable,
ignoring transactions which pay less per byte than the ones they have
stored, and further requiring that a new block be minted between times when
a single transaction gets replaced by fee. That policy both has the
property of being extremely denial-of-service resistant and minimizing the
damage to zeroconf. (Zeroconf is a bad idea, but if something is a good
idea to do for other reasons reducing the pain to those stuck with zeroconf
is a nice bonus.)
An actual formula
At long last, here is the formula I advocate using:
Pick a starting point which is de minimis for your first transaction or 1/2
(or less, configurable) your last fee paid if youâve sent coin before
Let B = max number of blocks from start before giving up, S = starting fee,
M = max fee
For each new block at height H from the start, post a new transaction with
fee e^(lg(S) + (lg(M) â lg(S)) * H/B)
To avoid artifacts when multiple wallets use the same magic numbers, do
this before the first block: pick V uniformly in [0, 1], let S = e^(lg(S) +
(lg(M) â lg(S)) * (V/(V+B)))
The very first time you send coin it makes sense to give it a longer time
to do the transaction because itâs starting from a very low value and you
donât want to way overshoot the amount necessary. But if you start from the
standard absolute minimum fee in Bitcoin and put the maximum time at
several hours it will increase by less than 10% per block, so exponential
growth is on your side.
It might be reasonable to, for example, start at a value which is a
discount to the minimum paid in the last block if that value is less than
what you would start with otherwise and if thereâs a protocol extension to
put that information in the block headers. Such possibilities should be
studied and discussed more, but the formula I gave above should be the
default starting point if you simply want something which works and is
conservative and reliable.
Sidebar: Handling utxo combining
Whenever a wallet makes a payment, it needs to decide how to structure the
inputs and outputs of the new transaction. Generally the output consists of
two utxos, one of them going to the recipient and one of them going back
into the original wallet. Which input or inputs to use is less clear.
Usually an attempt is made to optimize for anonymity, or at least leaking
as little information as possible, and thereâs usually a comment in the
code saying what amounts to âI canât clearly justify any particular
strategy here but this is what Iâm doingâ.
When there are real transaction fees, one might consider trying to optimize
utxo combining for fees. The strategy used turns out to matter surprisingly
little for fees in the long run. For every separate utxo in your wallet,
youâll eventually have to pay the fee to combine it with something else,
and the amount of increase in fee will be the same regardless of whether
you do it in the current transaction or a later transaction. It does make
sense to include more inputs in earlier versions of a payment though,
because the fees at that time are lower, and drop them in later versions
once the fees have gone up, in the hopes that the utxo consolidation can be
done for cheaper in some later transaction. It may also make sense to do
completely separate purely consolidation transactions with no external
output during off-peak times. That puts more bytes on the blockchain
because of the unnecessary intermediary value it generates though, so there
needs to be a significant difference in fees between peak and off-peak
times for it to make sense. Both of those techniques have significant and
unclear privacy implications and should be studied more.
There are also signing tricks which could potentially save significant
amounts of bytes on the blockchain, thus lowering fees. The most elegant
would be to create a new extension so that when there are multiple inputs
to a transaction which all use Schnorr the signature can be a single
combination signature instead of separate signatures for each of them. This
has very little downside and Iâm strongly in favor of it being done.
A simpler, less elegant trick which saves more bytes would be to allow
multiple inputs to the same transaction which use the same key to only
result in a single signature. This lowers privacy, because it gives away
the association between utxos before theyâre consolidated, but if used
properly would only push back that reveal a little bit. The danger is that
wallets would instead use it improperly and use the same key all the time,
which would always save as many bytes as possible but be a privacy disaster.
A trick which is a just plain bad idea, although it would save even more
bytes, would be not count the bytes of the reveal of a p2sh script to count
if that exact same script has ever been used before. This is clearly a bad
idea, because it directly encourages extremely privacy-averse behavior, and
because it necessitates a data structure of all p2sh scripts which have
ever been done before for validation, which is quite large and costly to