Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-devTier Nolan, right, a new tx version would be required.
I have to look deeper into the CT as sf proposal.
What futures upgrades could this conflict with it's precisely the
question here. So that vague statement without providing any example
it's not very valuable.
So with Confidential Transactions, the only thing that's changed relative to a
normal Bitcoin transaction is that fact that the sum of input values is >= the
sum of output values is proven via a CT proof, rather than revealing the actual
sums. Other than that, CT transactions don't need to be any different from
regular transactions.
For CT to be a softfork, we have to ensure that each CT transaction's sum of
inputs and outputs is valid. An obvious way to do this is to have a pool of
"shielded" outputs, whose total value is the sum of all CT-protected outputs.
Outputs in this pool would appear to be anyone-can-spend outputs to pre-CT
This gives us three main cases:
1) Spending unshielded outputs to CT-shielded outputs
Since the CT-shielded output's value is unknown, we can simply set their value
to zero. Secondly, we will add the newly CT-shielded value to the pool with an
additional output whose value is the sum of all newly created CT-shielded
2) Spending CT-shielded outputs to unshielded outputs
Here one or more CT-shielded outputs will be spent. Since their value is zero,
we make up the difference by spending one or more outputs from the CT pool,
with the change - if any - assigned to a CT-pool output.
3) Spending CT-shielded outputs to CT-shielded outputs
Since both the inputs and outputs are zero-valued, to pre-CT nodes the
transaction is perfectly valid: the sum of coins spent is 0 BTC, and the sum of
coins created is also 0 BTC. We do have the problem of paying miners fees, but
that could be done with an additional CT output that the miner can spend, a
child-pays-for-parent transaction, or something else entirely that I haven't
thought of.
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-devAlthough TXO commitments are interesting, I don't think they make UTXO
growth a "non-issue" and I also don't think they justify not doing
Yeah, the costs for spammers are very small and doesn't really improve
things all that much, as acknowledged in the initial post.
Suppose zero-valued outputs are prohibited. In case #3 above, if there are more
outputs than inputs, we need to add an additional input from the CT-shielded
pool to make up the difference, and an additional change output back to the
CT-shielded pool.
If shielded-to-shielded transactions are common, these extra outputs could
consume a significant % of the total blockchain space - that's a significant
cost. Meanwhile the benefit is so small it's essentially theoretical: an
additional satoshi per output is an almost trivial cost to an attacker.
Quite simply, I just don't think the cost-benefit tradeoff of what you're
proposing makes sense.
-- 'peter'[:-1]