[bitcoin-dev] Segwit2Mb - combined soft/hard fork - Request For Comments
Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-03-31 21:09:18 UTC
Hi everyone,

Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.

Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.

The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.

In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.

On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.

The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.

The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2

This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).

The tentative lock-in and hard-fork dates are the following:

Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017

Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017

HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT

The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)

For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see

This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.

Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.

To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only

Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.

As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.

Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.

After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.

If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.

The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.

I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and

I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social

I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.

Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.

Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.

This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.

Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.

Sergio Demian Lerner
Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
2017-03-31 21:22:10 UTC
Hey Sergio,

You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.github.io/
and make further edits based on what you learn. Your goal of "avoid
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier

At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
consider (probably among others):

a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the block.
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them by
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF. The clever fix from
Spoonnet for poor scaling of optionally allowing non-SegWit outputs to
be spent with SegWit's sighash provides this all in one go.
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit went
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set cheaper
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably finish
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow you
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and other
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.

Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk to
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.

a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even then...)
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software projects
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk, and
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit provides
itself buying a ton of time.

b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only serves
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate technical
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.

c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies like
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.

Commitments to aggressive hard fork parameters now may leave miners
without much revenue as far out as the next halving (which current
transaction growth trends are indicating we'd just only barely reach 2MB
of transaction volume, let alone if you consider the effects of users
moving to systems which provide more features for Bitcoin transactions).
This could lead to a precipitous drop in hashrate as miners are no
longer sufficiently compensated.

Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is determined
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block, so
as subsidy goes down, miners need to be paid with fees, not just price
increases. Even if we were OK with hashpower going down compared to the
value it is securing, betting the security of Bitcoin on its price
rising exponentially to match decreasing subsidy does not strike me as a
particularly inspiring tradeoff.

There aren't many great technical solutions to some of these issues, as
far as I'm aware, but it's something that needs to be incredibly
carefully considered before betting the continued security of Bitcoin on
exponential on-chain growth, something which we have historically never

Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines
modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes
reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-03-31 22:13:35 UTC
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.github.io/
and make further edits based on what you learn.
I've read every proposal that was published in the last two years and the
choice for NOT implementing any of the super cool research you cite is

We're in a deadlock and it seems we can't go forward adding more
functionality to segwit without the community approval (which include
miners). This is obvious to me.Then we have to go back.

If this last resort solution is merged, we could go back to discuss
improvements with the

Your goal of "avoid
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
You're are totally correct. It's a compromise for the compromise sake. I
couldn't have expressed it more clearly. However the only "riskier" element
is the hard forking date. We can move the date forward.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the block.
This I could consider, as it requires probably a single line of code. Which
BIP specifies this?
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them by
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
The Seghash problem has already been addressed by limiting the maximum size
of a transaction to 1 Mb.
The FindAndDelete problem has already been solved by the Core Developers,
so we don't have to worry about it anymore.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF.
We could add a simple protection, although if we reach community consensus
and 95% of hashing power, does we really need to? Can the old chain still
be alive?
If more people ask for replay protection, I will merge Spoonet scheme or
develop the minimum possible replay protection (a simple signaling bit in
transaction version)
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit went
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set cheaper
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably finish
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow you
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
That is an interesting economic change and would be out of the scope of
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and other
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.
That is an interesting technical improvement that is out of the scope of
We can keep discussing spoonet while we merge segwit2mb, as spoonnet
includes most of technical innovations.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk to
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even then...)
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software projects
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk, and
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit provides
itself buying a ton of time.
The feedback I received is slightly different from your feedback. Many
company CTOs have expressed that one year for a Bitcoin hard-fork was
period they could schedule a secure upgrade.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only serves
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate technical
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.
This is something worth considering. There is the old Pieter BIP103
proposal has good parameters (17.7% per year).

c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies like
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
RSK sidechain team would have to take very tough decisions if Bitcoin
splits, as RSK platform cannot be pegged to two different cryptocurrencies.
We could launch two platforms, but RSK value proposition is "supporting the
advance of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrecy with highest network effect". You
understand that if Bitcoin splits Bitcoin BTC/BTU separately may cease to
be the cryptocurrencies with higher volume/market cap/network effect.

Therefore all RSK people that I talked too would prefer to avoid a split at
all cost, reather that to be the winners of the scaling war.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
Samson Mow via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-01 03:03:03 UTC
A compromise for the sake of compromise doesn't merit technical
discussions. There are no benefits to be gained from a 2MB hard-fork at
this time and it would impose an unnecessary cost to the ecosystem for
testing and implementation.

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 3:13 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.github.io/
and make further edits based on what you learn.
I've read every proposal that was published in the last two years and the
choice for NOT implementing any of the super cool research you cite is
We're in a deadlock and it seems we can't go forward adding more
functionality to segwit without the community approval (which include
miners). This is obvious to me.Then we have to go back.
If this last resort solution is merged, we could go back to discuss
improvements with the
Your goal of "avoid
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
You're are totally correct. It's a compromise for the compromise sake. I
couldn't have expressed it more clearly. However the only "riskier" element
is the hard forking date. We can move the date forward.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the block.
This I could consider, as it requires probably a single line of code.
Which BIP specifies this?
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them by
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
The Seghash problem has already been addressed by limiting the maximum
size of a transaction to 1 Mb.
The FindAndDelete problem has already been solved by the Core Developers,
so we don't have to worry about it anymore.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF.
We could add a simple protection, although if we reach community consensus
and 95% of hashing power, does we really need to? Can the old chain still
be alive?
If more people ask for replay protection, I will merge Spoonet scheme or
develop the minimum possible replay protection (a simple signaling bit in
transaction version)
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit went
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set cheaper
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably finish
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow you
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
That is an interesting economic change and would be out of the scope of
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and other
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.
That is an interesting technical improvement that is out of the scope of
We can keep discussing spoonet while we merge segwit2mb, as spoonnet
includes most of technical innovations.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk to
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even then...)
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software projects
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk, and
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit provides
itself buying a ton of time.
The feedback I received is slightly different from your feedback. Many
company CTOs have expressed that one year for a Bitcoin hard-fork was
period they could schedule a secure upgrade.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only serves
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate technical
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.
This is something worth considering. There is the old Pieter BIP103
proposal has good parameters (17.7% per year).
c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies like
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
RSK sidechain team would have to take very tough decisions if Bitcoin
splits, as RSK platform cannot be pegged to two different cryptocurrencies.
We could launch two platforms, but RSK value proposition is "supporting the
advance of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrecy with highest network effect". You
understand that if Bitcoin splits Bitcoin BTC/BTU separately may cease to
be the cryptocurrencies with higher volume/market cap/network effect.
Therefore all RSK people that I talked too would prefer to avoid a split
at all cost, reather that to be the winners of the scaling war.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-01 03:35:11 UTC
Even if the proposal involves a political compromise, any change to the
code must be technically evaluated.
The patch was made to require the least possible time for auditing. I'm
talking about reviewing 120 lines of code (not counting comments or
space) which 30 of them are changes to constants. A core programmer audited
it in less than one hour.

Also you're risking the unique opportunity to see segwit activated for
Maybe we can reach a similar agreement for segwit activation in two years.
That's will be too late. The remaining cryptocurrency ecosystem do move
Post by Samson Mow via bitcoin-dev
A compromise for the sake of compromise doesn't merit technical
discussions. There are no benefits to be gained from a 2MB hard-fork at
this time and it would impose an unnecessary cost to the ecosystem for
testing and implementation.
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 3:13 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.github.io/
and make further edits based on what you learn.
I've read every proposal that was published in the last two years and the
choice for NOT implementing any of the super cool research you cite is
We're in a deadlock and it seems we can't go forward adding more
functionality to segwit without the community approval (which include
miners). This is obvious to me.Then we have to go back.
If this last resort solution is merged, we could go back to discuss
improvements with the
Your goal of "avoid
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
You're are totally correct. It's a compromise for the compromise sake. I
couldn't have expressed it more clearly. However the only "riskier" element
is the hard forking date. We can move the date forward.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the block.
This I could consider, as it requires probably a single line of code.
Which BIP specifies this?
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them by
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
The Seghash problem has already been addressed by limiting the maximum
size of a transaction to 1 Mb.
The FindAndDelete problem has already been solved by the Core Developers,
so we don't have to worry about it anymore.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF.
We could add a simple protection, although if we reach community
consensus and 95% of hashing power, does we really need to? Can the old
chain still be alive?
If more people ask for replay protection, I will merge Spoonet scheme or
develop the minimum possible replay protection (a simple signaling bit in
transaction version)
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit went
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set cheaper
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably finish
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow you
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
That is an interesting economic change and would be out of the scope of
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and other
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.
That is an interesting technical improvement that is out of the scope of
We can keep discussing spoonet while we merge segwit2mb, as spoonnet
includes most of technical innovations.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk to
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even then...)
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software projects
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk, and
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit provides
itself buying a ton of time.
The feedback I received is slightly different from your feedback. Many
company CTOs have expressed that one year for a Bitcoin hard-fork was
period they could schedule a secure upgrade.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only serves
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate technical
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.
This is something worth considering. There is the old Pieter BIP103
proposal has good parameters (17.7% per year).
c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies like
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
RSK sidechain team would have to take very tough decisions if Bitcoin
splits, as RSK platform cannot be pegged to two different cryptocurrencies.
We could launch two platforms, but RSK value proposition is "supporting the
advance of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrecy with highest network effect". You
understand that if Bitcoin splits Bitcoin BTC/BTU separately may cease to
be the cryptocurrencies with higher volume/market cap/network effect.
Therefore all RSK people that I talked too would prefer to avoid a split
at all cost, reather that to be the winners of the scaling war.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
2017-06-02 20:04:16 UTC
From me to you ...this proposal doesn't lock in anything. We could just
merge it with some small pushback - allow segwit to activate in Aug, then
"upgrade" the hard fork to be "spoonet in 18 months" instead.

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 11:03 PM, Samson Mow via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Samson Mow via bitcoin-dev
A compromise for the sake of compromise doesn't merit technical
discussions. There are no benefits to be gained from a 2MB hard-fork at
this time and it would impose an unnecessary cost to the ecosystem for
testing and implementation.
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 3:13 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.github.io/
and make further edits based on what you learn.
I've read every proposal that was published in the last two years and the
choice for NOT implementing any of the super cool research you cite is
We're in a deadlock and it seems we can't go forward adding more
functionality to segwit without the community approval (which include
miners). This is obvious to me.Then we have to go back.
If this last resort solution is merged, we could go back to discuss
improvements with the
Your goal of "avoid
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
You're are totally correct. It's a compromise for the compromise sake. I
couldn't have expressed it more clearly. However the only "riskier" element
is the hard forking date. We can move the date forward.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the block.
This I could consider, as it requires probably a single line of code.
Which BIP specifies this?
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them by
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
The Seghash problem has already been addressed by limiting the maximum
size of a transaction to 1 Mb.
The FindAndDelete problem has already been solved by the Core Developers,
so we don't have to worry about it anymore.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF.
We could add a simple protection, although if we reach community
consensus and 95% of hashing power, does we really need to? Can the old
chain still be alive?
If more people ask for replay protection, I will merge Spoonet scheme or
develop the minimum possible replay protection (a simple signaling bit in
transaction version)
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit went
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set cheaper
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably finish
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow you
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
That is an interesting economic change and would be out of the scope of
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and other
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.
That is an interesting technical improvement that is out of the scope of
We can keep discussing spoonet while we merge segwit2mb, as spoonnet
includes most of technical innovations.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk to
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even then...)
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software projects
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk, and
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit provides
itself buying a ton of time.
The feedback I received is slightly different from your feedback. Many
company CTOs have expressed that one year for a Bitcoin hard-fork was
period they could schedule a secure upgrade.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only serves
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate technical
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.
This is something worth considering. There is the old Pieter BIP103
proposal has good parameters (17.7% per year).
c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies like
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
RSK sidechain team would have to take very tough decisions if Bitcoin
splits, as RSK platform cannot be pegged to two different cryptocurrencies.
We could launch two platforms, but RSK value proposition is "supporting the
advance of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrecy with highest network effect". You
understand that if Bitcoin splits Bitcoin BTC/BTU separately may cease to
be the cryptocurrencies with higher volume/market cap/network effect.
Therefore all RSK people that I talked too would prefer to avoid a split
at all cost, reather that to be the winners of the scaling war.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-01 11:44:11 UTC
Some people have asked me for the current implementation of this patch to
review. I remind you that the current patch does not implement the
hard-fork signaling, as requested by Matt.

The Segwit2Mb patch can be found here:

For now, the segwit2mb repo has a single test file using the old internal
blockchain building method (test/block_size_tests.cpp). This must be
replaced soon with a better external test using the bitcoin/qa/rpc-tests
tests, which I will begin to work on now after I collect all comments from
the community.

Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is determined
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block
Can you explain this statement a little better? What do you mean by
that? What does the total bitcoins transacted have to do with
hashpower required?
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.github.io/
and make further edits based on what you learn. Your goal of "avoid
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the block.
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them by
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF. The clever fix
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Spoonnet for poor scaling of optionally allowing non-SegWit outputs to
be spent with SegWit's sighash provides this all in one go.
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit went
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set cheaper
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably finish
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow you
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and other
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk to
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even then...)
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software projects
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk, and
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit provides
itself buying a ton of time.
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only serves
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate technical
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies like
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
Commitments to aggressive hard fork parameters now may leave miners
without much revenue as far out as the next halving (which current
transaction growth trends are indicating we'd just only barely reach 2MB
of transaction volume, let alone if you consider the effects of users
moving to systems which provide more features for Bitcoin transactions).
This could lead to a precipitous drop in hashrate as miners are no
longer sufficiently compensated.
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is determined
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block, so
as subsidy goes down, miners need to be paid with fees, not just price
increases. Even if we were OK with hashpower going down compared to the
value it is securing, betting the security of Bitcoin on its price
rising exponentially to match decreasing subsidy does not strike me as a
particularly inspiring tradeoff.
There aren't many great technical solutions to some of these issues, as
far as I'm aware, but it's something that needs to be incredibly
carefully considered before betting the continued security of Bitcoin on
exponential on-chain growth, something which we have historically never
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-01 12:33:18 UTC
Segwit replaces the 1 mb size limit with a weight limit of 4 mb. After
segwit there's no need for MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE anymore, let alone
Thus, by "hf to 2 mb" it seems you just really mean hardforking from 4
mb weight to 8 mb weight.

I would also use the hardfork bit (sign bit in block.nNersion) as matt comments.
We're in a deadlock and it seems we can't go forward adding more functionality to segwit without the community approval (which include miners). This is obvious to me.Then we have to go back.
If segwit is controversial the way it is (I still don't understand why
despite having insistently asking to users and miners who claim to
oppose it), adding more consensus rule changes won't make it any less
controversial. If anything, it would be removing consensus rule
changes, not adding them that could make it less controversial.

By no means I want to dissuade you from working on this bip proposal,
but I really don't see how it helps getting out of the deadlock at

On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Some people have asked me for the current implementation of this patch to
review. I remind you that the current patch does not implement the hard-fork
signaling, as requested by Matt.
For now, the segwit2mb repo has a single test file using the old internal
blockchain building method (test/block_size_tests.cpp). This must be
replaced soon with a better external test using the bitcoin/qa/rpc-tests
tests, which I will begin to work on now after I collect all comments from
the community.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is determined
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block
Can you explain this statement a little better? What do you mean by
that? What does the total bitcoins transacted have to do with
hashpower required?
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.github.io/
and make further edits based on what you learn. Your goal of "avoid
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the block.
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them by
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF. The clever fix from
Spoonnet for poor scaling of optionally allowing non-SegWit outputs to
be spent with SegWit's sighash provides this all in one go.
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit went
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set cheaper
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably finish
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow you
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and other
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk to
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even then...)
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software projects
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk, and
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit provides
itself buying a ton of time.
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only serves
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate technical
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.
c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies like
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
Commitments to aggressive hard fork parameters now may leave miners
without much revenue as far out as the next halving (which current
transaction growth trends are indicating we'd just only barely reach 2MB
of transaction volume, let alone if you consider the effects of users
moving to systems which provide more features for Bitcoin transactions).
This could lead to a precipitous drop in hashrate as miners are no
longer sufficiently compensated.
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is determined
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block, so
as subsidy goes down, miners need to be paid with fees, not just price
increases. Even if we were OK with hashpower going down compared to the
value it is securing, betting the security of Bitcoin on its price
rising exponentially to match decreasing subsidy does not strike me as a
particularly inspiring tradeoff.
There aren't many great technical solutions to some of these issues, as
far as I'm aware, but it's something that needs to be incredibly
carefully considered before betting the continued security of Bitcoin on
exponential on-chain growth, something which we have historically never
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Natanael via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-01 13:15:15 UTC
Den 1 apr. 2017 14:33 skrev "Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev" <

Segwit replaces the 1 mb size limit with a weight limit of 4 mb.

That would make it a hardfork, not a softfork, if done exactly as you say.

Segwit only separates out signature data. The 1 MB limit remains, but would
now only cover the contents of the transaction scripts. With segwit that
means we have two (2) size limits, not one. This is important to remember.
Even with segwit + MAST for large complex scripts, there's still going to
be a very low limit to the total number of possible transactions per block.
And not all transactions will get the same space savings.
Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-01 14:07:32 UTC
Den 1 apr. 2017 14:33 skrev "Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev"
Segwit replaces the 1 mb size limit with a weight limit of 4 mb.
That would make it a hardfork, not a softfork, if done exactly as you say.
Segwit only separates out signature data. The 1 MB limit remains, but would
now only cover the contents of the transaction scripts. With segwit that
means we have two (2) size limits, not one. This is important to remember.
Even with segwit + MAST for large complex scripts, there's still going to be
a very low limit to the total number of possible transactions per block. And
not all transactions will get the same space savings.
No, because of the way the weight is calculated, it is impossible to
create a block that old nodes would perceive as bigger than 1 mb
without also violating the weight limit.
After segwit activation, nodes supporting segwit don't need to
validate the 1 mb size limit anymore as long as they validate the
weight limit. The weight is also the only notion of cost miners need
to consider when comparing txs by feerate (fee per cost, before segwit
tx_fee/tx_size, post-segwit tx_fee/tx_weight).
This is important to remember, because having 2 separated limits or
costs would make block creation and relay policies much harder to

Therefore a hardfork after segwit can just increase the weight limit
and completely forget about the pre-segwit 1 mb size limit.
Natanael via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-01 15:34:24 UTC
Post by Natanael via bitcoin-dev
Den 1 apr. 2017 14:33 skrev "Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev"
Segwit replaces the 1 mb size limit with a weight limit of 4 mb.
That would make it a hardfork, not a softfork, if done exactly as you say.
Segwit only separates out signature data. The 1 MB limit remains, but would
now only cover the contents of the transaction scripts. With segwit that
means we have two (2) size limits, not one. This is important to remember.
Even with segwit + MAST for large complex scripts, there's still going to be
a very low limit to the total number of possible transactions per block. And
not all transactions will get the same space savings.
No, because of the way the weight is calculated, it is impossible to
create a block that old nodes would perceive as bigger than 1 mb
without also violating the weight limit.
After segwit activation, nodes supporting segwit don't need to
validate the 1 mb size limit anymore as long as they validate the
weight limit.


Huh, that's odd. It really does still count raw blockchain data blocksize.

It just uses a ratio between how many units each byte is worth for block
data vs signature data, plus a cap to define the maximum. So the current
max is 4 MB, with 1 MB of non-witness blockchain data being weighted to 4x
= 4 MB. That just means you replaced the two limits with one limit and a

A hardfork increasing the size would likely have the ratio modified too.
With exactly the same effect as if it was two limits...

Either way, there's still going to be non-segwit nodes for ages.
Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-02 04:57:48 UTC
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
Den 1 apr. 2017 14:33 skrev "Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev"
Segwit replaces the 1 mb size limit with a weight limit of 4 mb.
That would make it a hardfork, not a softfork, if done exactly as you say.
No, because of the way the weight is calculated, it is impossible to
create a block that old nodes would perceive as bigger than 1 mb
without also violating the weight limit.
After segwit activation, nodes supporting segwit don't need to
validate the 1 mb size limit anymore as long as they validate the
weight limit.
Huh, that's odd. It really does still count raw blockchain data blocksize.
It's not odd, it's just counter-intuitive. How can "< 4 mb weight" be
a more restrictive rule than "< 1 mb size"? Well, it is, that's why
segwit's size increase is a softfork.
It is not that hard once you look at the actual weight formula:
segregated_sigs_sise + (other_size * 4) < 4 "mb"

It is impossible to produce to produce a block that violates the 1 mb
size limit but doesn't violate the 4 mb weight limit too.
There can be block that are < 1 mb size but 20 mb in weight, but those
are invalid according to the new 4 mb weight rule.
At the same time, any block that violates the < 1 mb rule for old
nodes will be invalid not only to old nodes but also to any node
validating the new 4mb rule. This is not by chance but a design choice
for any block size increase within segwit to remain a softfork, which
is what can be deployed faster.

One extreme example would be any 1 mb block today. 1 "mb" of a block
today times 4 is 4 mb, so it complies with the new 4 mb weight rule.
The opposite extreme example would be 4 mb of signatures and 0 mb of
"other data", but this example is not really possible in practice
because signatures need some tx to be part of to be part of the block
The most extreme examples I have seen on testnet are 3.7 mb blocks,
but those don't represent the average usage today (whenever you read

One common misunderstanding is that users who aren't using payment
channels (that includes lightning but also other smart contracts) or
users that aren't using mutlisig can't enjoy the so called "discount":
there's no reasonable argument for rejecting the "discount" on your
own transactions once/if segwit gets activated.

I would prefer to call the absence of "discount" *penalization*.
Signatures are unreasonable penalized pre-segwit, and there's more
things that remain unreasonably penalized with respect to their
influence on the current utxo after segwit. But signatures are by far
the biggest in data space and validation time, and the most important
unreasonable yet unintended penalization pre-segwit.
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
It just uses a ratio between how many units each byte is worth for block
data vs signature data, plus a cap to define the maximum. So the current max
is 4 MB, with 1 MB of non-witness blockchain data being weighted to 4x = 4
MB. That just means you replaced the two limits with one limit and a ratio.
Exactly, once one maximum limit is defined, no need for two limits.
But the current max is 1 mb size, not 4 mb weight until/unless segwit
is activated.
Some people complain about 4 mb weight not being as much as 4 mb size,
and that is correct, but both are bigger than 1 mb size.
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
A hardfork increasing the size would likely have the ratio modified too.
If the single ratio needs to be modified, it can be modified now
before any rule changes are activated, no need to change the consensus
rules more than needed.
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
With exactly the same effect as if it was two limits...
If you don't see any disadvantage on having one single limit if/when
segwit gets activated, I don't see the point of maintaining two
limits, but if you're happy to maintain the branch with the redundant
one you may get my ack: I don't see any disadvantage on checking the
same thing twice besides performance,
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
Either way, there's still going to be non-segwit nodes for ages.
That's precisely why it's good segwit has been designed to be backward
compatible as a bip9 softfork.
Natanael via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-02 10:03:31 UTC
My point, if you missed it, is that there's a mathematical equivalence
between using two limits (and calculating the ratio) vs using one limit and
a ratio. The output is fully identical. The only difference is the order of
operations. Saying there's no blocksize limit with this is pretty
meaningless, because you're just saying you're using an abstraction that
doesn't make the limit visible.
Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-02 11:43:54 UTC
Just saying that we can talk in terms of weight alone after segwit. 8 mb
weight is much more clear than 2 mb size to me. 2 mb size seems to
obfuscate the actual new limit with the proposed hf, which simply 8 mb
Post by Natanael via bitcoin-dev
My point, if you missed it, is that there's a mathematical equivalence
between using two limits (and calculating the ratio) vs using one limit and
a ratio. The output is fully identical. The only difference is the order of
operations. Saying there's no blocksize limit with this is pretty
meaningless, because you're just saying you're using an abstraction that
doesn't make the limit visible.
Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
2017-06-02 20:04:25 UTC
From me to you ...this proposal doesn't lock in anything. We could just
merge it with some small pushback - allow segwit to activate in Aug, then
"upgrade" the hard fork to be "spoonet in 18 months" instead.

On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:33 AM, Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
Segwit replaces the 1 mb size limit with a weight limit of 4 mb. After
segwit there's no need for MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE anymore, let alone
Thus, by "hf to 2 mb" it seems you just really mean hardforking from 4
mb weight to 8 mb weight.
I would also use the hardfork bit (sign bit in block.nNersion) as matt comments.
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
We're in a deadlock and it seems we can't go forward adding more
functionality to segwit without the community approval (which include
miners). This is obvious to me.Then we have to go back.
If segwit is controversial the way it is (I still don't understand why
despite having insistently asking to users and miners who claim to
oppose it), adding more consensus rule changes won't make it any less
controversial. If anything, it would be removing consensus rule
changes, not adding them that could make it less controversial.
By no means I want to dissuade you from working on this bip proposal,
but I really don't see how it helps getting out of the deadlock at
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Some people have asked me for the current implementation of this patch to
review. I remind you that the current patch does not implement the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
signaling, as requested by Matt.
For now, the segwit2mb repo has a single test file using the old internal
blockchain building method (test/block_size_tests.cpp). This must be
replaced soon with a better external test using the bitcoin/qa/rpc-tests
tests, which I will begin to work on now after I collect all comments
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
the community.
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is determined
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block
Can you explain this statement a little better? What do you mean by
that? What does the total bitcoins transacted have to do with
hashpower required?
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
and make further edits based on what you learn. Your goal of "avoid
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF. The clever fix from
Spoonnet for poor scaling of optionally allowing non-SegWit outputs to
be spent with SegWit's sighash provides this all in one go.
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
itself buying a ton of time.
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.
c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
Commitments to aggressive hard fork parameters now may leave miners
without much revenue as far out as the next halving (which current
transaction growth trends are indicating we'd just only barely reach
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
of transaction volume, let alone if you consider the effects of users
moving to systems which provide more features for Bitcoin
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
This could lead to a precipitous drop in hashrate as miners are no
longer sufficiently compensated.
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is determined
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
as subsidy goes down, miners need to be paid with fees, not just price
increases. Even if we were OK with hashpower going down compared to
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
value it is securing, betting the security of Bitcoin on its price
rising exponentially to match decreasing subsidy does not strike me
as a
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
particularly inspiring tradeoff.
There aren't many great technical solutions to some of these issues,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
far as I'm aware, but it's something that needs to be incredibly
carefully considered before betting the continued security of Bitcoin
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
exponential on-chain growth, something which we have historically
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-06-02 21:51:45 UTC
By "upgrade" the HF you mean activate 2X and then spoonet 18 months later
or do not activate the 2x HF at all?

On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 4:04 PM, Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
From me to you ...this proposal doesn't lock in anything. We could just
merge it with some small pushback - allow segwit to activate in Aug, then
"upgrade" the hard fork to be "spoonet in 18 months" instead.
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:33 AM, Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
Segwit replaces the 1 mb size limit with a weight limit of 4 mb. After
segwit there's no need for MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE anymore, let alone
Thus, by "hf to 2 mb" it seems you just really mean hardforking from 4
mb weight to 8 mb weight.
I would also use the hardfork bit (sign bit in block.nNersion) as matt comments.
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
We're in a deadlock and it seems we can't go forward adding more
functionality to segwit without the community approval (which include
miners). This is obvious to me.Then we have to go back.
If segwit is controversial the way it is (I still don't understand why
despite having insistently asking to users and miners who claim to
oppose it), adding more consensus rule changes won't make it any less
controversial. If anything, it would be removing consensus rule
changes, not adding them that could make it less controversial.
By no means I want to dissuade you from working on this bip proposal,
but I really don't see how it helps getting out of the deadlock at
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Some people have asked me for the current implementation of this patch
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
review. I remind you that the current patch does not implement the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
signaling, as requested by Matt.
For now, the segwit2mb repo has a single test file using the old
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
blockchain building method (test/block_size_tests.cpp). This must be
replaced soon with a better external test using the bitcoin/qa/rpc-tests
tests, which I will begin to work on now after I collect all comments
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
the community.
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 3:55 AM, Jared Lee Richardson <
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block
Can you explain this statement a little better? What do you mean by
that? What does the total bitcoins transacted have to do with
hashpower required?
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015.
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearc
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
and make further edits based on what you learn. Your goal of "avoid
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of perceived
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix
them by
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF. The clever
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Spoonnet for poor scaling of optionally allowing non-SegWit outputs
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
be spent with SegWit's sighash provides this all in one go.
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
block size.
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant
risk to
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
itself buying a ton of time.
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.
c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
Commitments to aggressive hard fork parameters now may leave miners
without much revenue as far out as the next halving (which current
transaction growth trends are indicating we'd just only barely reach
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
of transaction volume, let alone if you consider the effects of users
moving to systems which provide more features for Bitcoin
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
This could lead to a precipitous drop in hashrate as miners are no
longer sufficiently compensated.
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
as subsidy goes down, miners need to be paid with fees, not just
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
increases. Even if we were OK with hashpower going down compared to
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
value it is securing, betting the security of Bitcoin on its price
rising exponentially to match decreasing subsidy does not strike me
as a
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
particularly inspiring tradeoff.
There aren't many great technical solutions to some of these issues,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
far as I'm aware, but it's something that needs to be incredibly
carefully considered before betting the continued security of
Bitcoin on
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
exponential on-chain growth, something which we have historically
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
2017-06-03 00:53:55 UTC
What I mean is that spoonet and other HF improvements, and a slower
timeline needs to be folded in ...before the HF activation date - to make
it far more likely that the community adopts the whole proposal and the
chain doesn't fragment.

If you try to push a 2mb with no safety checks and nothing else improved -
nothing will happen.

Take a quick look at the COOP proposal...it gets us to 4mb blocks in 4
years....gradually, no massive fee swings.

On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 5:51 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
By "upgrade" the HF you mean activate 2X and then spoonet 18 months later
or do not activate the 2x HF at all?
On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 4:04 PM, Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
From me to you ...this proposal doesn't lock in anything. We could just
merge it with some small pushback - allow segwit to activate in Aug, then
"upgrade" the hard fork to be "spoonet in 18 months" instead.
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:33 AM, Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
Segwit replaces the 1 mb size limit with a weight limit of 4 mb. After
segwit there's no need for MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE anymore, let alone
Thus, by "hf to 2 mb" it seems you just really mean hardforking from 4
mb weight to 8 mb weight.
I would also use the hardfork bit (sign bit in block.nNersion) as matt comments.
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
We're in a deadlock and it seems we can't go forward adding more
functionality to segwit without the community approval (which include
miners). This is obvious to me.Then we have to go back.
If segwit is controversial the way it is (I still don't understand why
despite having insistently asking to users and miners who claim to
oppose it), adding more consensus rule changes won't make it any less
controversial. If anything, it would be removing consensus rule
changes, not adding them that could make it less controversial.
By no means I want to dissuade you from working on this bip proposal,
but I really don't see how it helps getting out of the deadlock at
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Some people have asked me for the current implementation of this patch
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
review. I remind you that the current patch does not implement the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
signaling, as requested by Matt.
For now, the segwit2mb repo has a single test file using the old
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
blockchain building method (test/block_size_tests.cpp). This must be
replaced soon with a better external test using the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
tests, which I will begin to work on now after I collect all comments
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
the community.
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 3:55 AM, Jared Lee Richardson <
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block
Can you explain this statement a little better? What do you mean by
that? What does the total bitcoins transacted have to do with
hashpower required?
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Hey Sergio,
You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015.
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearc
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
and make further edits based on what you learn. Your goal of "avoid
technical changes" appears to not have any basis outside of
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
compromise for compromise sake, only making such a hardfork riskier
At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix
them by
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
c) Your really should have replay protection in any HF. The clever
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Spoonnet for poor scaling of optionally allowing non-SegWit outputs
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
be spent with SegWit's sighash provides this all in one go.
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to
allow you
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
block size.
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.
Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant
risk to
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.
a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks
that a
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this
risk, and
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
itself buying a ton of time.
b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.
c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.
Commitments to aggressive hard fork parameters now may leave miners
without much revenue as far out as the next halving (which current
transaction growth trends are indicating we'd just only barely
reach 2MB
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
of transaction volume, let alone if you consider the effects of
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
moving to systems which provide more features for Bitcoin
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
This could lead to a precipitous drop in hashrate as miners are no
longer sufficiently compensated.
Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each
block, so
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
as subsidy goes down, miners need to be paid with fees, not just
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
increases. Even if we were OK with hashpower going down compared to
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
value it is securing, betting the security of Bitcoin on its price
rising exponentially to match decreasing subsidy does not strike me
as a
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
particularly inspiring tradeoff.
There aren't many great technical solutions to some of these
issues, as
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
far as I'm aware, but it's something that needs to be incredibly
carefully considered before betting the continued security of
Bitcoin on
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
exponential on-chain growth, something which we have historically
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
On March 31, 2017 5:09:18 PM EDT, Sergio Demian Lerner via
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin community
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is inevitable,
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs,
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Post by Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Oliver Petruzel via bitcoin-dev
2017-06-03 02:03:47 UTC
Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
Take a quick look at the COOP proposal...it gets us to 4mb blocks in 4
years....gradually, no massive fee swings.<<<

How is that captured in the COOP BIP? I can see Luke's 2MB cap referenced
in the BIP, but I don't see anything in the text that would indicate a
gradual increase of any sort.

As someone who has previously written a BIP draft to accomplish a gradual
increase with SegWit, I'd be very interested in seeing what approach
they've chosen.

Oliver Petruzel via bitcoin-dev
2017-06-03 21:05:23 UTC
2.1MB capacity in August via segwit, with 4MB weight, and 4.2MB capacity
in December with 8MB<<

I'm not sure how many people to not of the draft BIP I submitted to the
list in early April. It was essentially a combination of Gavin's BIP 109,
Adam's 2-4-8 idea, and something I added to SegWit that I call "Discount

It basically takes the idea of gradual increases one step farther: a
gradual increase of both the Total weight and SegWit discount rate over a
period of X years (a schedule of Flag Day + X blocks increases).

Would this be something that some in the dev community might consider
if/when SegWit is combined with a block increase?

Original draft here:


Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev
2017-03-31 21:18:25 UTC
Hey Sergio,

You appear to have ignored the last two years of Bitcoin hardfork
research and understanding, recycling instead BIP 102 from 2015. There
are many proposals which have pushed the state of hard fork research
much further since then, and you may wish to read some of the posts on
this mailing list listed at https://bitcoinhardforkresearch.github.io/
and make further edits based on what you learn. It seems your goal of
"avoid any technical changes" doesn't have any foundation aside from a
perceived compromise for compromise sake, only making for fork riskier
in the process.

At a minimum, in terms of pure technical changes, you should probably
consider (probably among others):

a) Utilizing the "hard fork signaling bit" in the nVersion of the block.
b) Either limiting non-SegWit transactions in some way to fix the n**2
sighash and FindAndDelete runtime and memory usage issues or fix them by
utilizing the new sighash type which many wallets and projects have
already implemented for SegWit in the spending of non-SegWit outputs.
c) Your replay protection isn't really ideal - XXX. The clever fix from
Spoonnet for poor scaling of optionally allowing non-SegWit outputs to
be spent with SegWit's sighash provides this all in one go.
d) You may wish to consider the possibility of tweaking the witness
discount and possibly discounting other parts of the input - SegWit went
a long ways towards making removal of elements from the UTXO set cheaper
than adding them, but didn't quite get there, you should probably finish
that job. This also provides additional tuneable parameters to allow you
to increase the block size while not having a blowup in the worst-case
block size.
e) Additional commitments at the top of the merkle root - both for
SegWit transactions and as additional space for merged mining and other
commitments which we may wish to add in the future, this should likely
be implemented an "additional header" ala Johnson Lau's Spoonnet proposal.

Additionally, I think your parameters here pose very significant risk to
the Bitcoin ecosystem broadly.

a) Activating a hard fork with less than 18/24 months (and even then...)
from a fully-audited and supported release of full node software to
activation date poses significant risks to many large software projects
and users. I've repeatedly received feedback from various folks that a
year or more is likely required in any hard fork to limit this risk, and
limited pushback on that given the large increase which SegWit provides
itself buying a ton of time.

b) Having a significant discontinuity in block size increase only serves
to confuse and mislead users and businesses, forcing them to rapidly
adapt to a Bitcoin which changed overnight both by hardforking, and by
fees changing suddenly. Instead, having the hard fork activate technical
changes, and then slowly increasing the block size over the following
several years keeps things nice and continuous and also keeps us from
having to revisit ye old blocksize debate again six months after activation.

c) You should likely consider the effect of the many technological
innovations coming down the pipe in the coming months. Technologies like
Lightning, TumbleBit, and even your own RootStock could significantly
reduce fee pressure as transactions move to much faster and more
featureful systems.

Commitments to aggressive hard fork parameters now may leave miners
without much revenue as far out as the next halving (which current
transaction growth trends are indicating we'd just only barely reach 2MB
of transaction volume, let alone if you consider the effects of users
moving to systems which provide more features for Bitcoin transactions).
This could lead to a precipitous drop in hashrate as miners are no
longer sufficiently compensated.

Remember that the "hashpower required to secure bitcoin" is determined
as a percentage of total Bitcoins transacted on-chain in each block, so
as subsidy goes down, miners need to be paid with fees, not just price
increases. Even if we were OK with hashpower going down compared to the
value it is securing, betting the security of Bitcoin on its price
rising exponentially to match decreasing subsidy does not strike me as a
particularly inspiring tradeoff.

There aren't many great technical solutions to some of these issues, as
far as I'm aware, but it's something that needs to be incredibly
carefully considered before betting the continued security of Bitcoin on
exponential on-chain growth, something which we have historically never

Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
Hi everyone,
Segwit2Mb is the project to merge into Bitcoin a minimal patch that aims to
untangle the current conflict between different political positions
regarding segwit activation vs. an increase of the on-chain blockchain
space through a standard block size increase. It is not a new solution, but
it should be seen more as a least common denominator.
Segwit2Mb combines segwit as it is today in Bitcoin 0.14+ with a 2MB block
size hard-fork activated ONLY if segwit activates (95% of miners
signaling), but at a fixed future date.
The sole objective of this proposal is to re-unite the Bitcoin
and avoid a cryptocurrency split. Segwit2Mb does not aim to be best
possible technical solution to solve Bitcoin technical limitations.
However, this proposal does not imply a compromise to the future
scalability or decentralization of Bitcoin, as a small increase in block
size has been proven by several core and non-core developers not to affect
Bitcoin value propositions.
In the worst case, a 2X block size increase has much lower economic impact
than the last bitcoin halving (<10%), which succeeded without problem.
On the other side, Segwit2Mb primary goal is to be minimalistic: in this
patch some choices have been made to reduce the number of lines
modified in
the current Bitcoin Core state (master branch), instead of implementing the
most elegant solution. This is because I want to reduce the time it takes
for core programmers and reviewers to check the correctness of the code,
and to report and correct bugs.
The patch was built by forking the master branch of Bitcoin Core, mixing a
few lines of code from Jeff Garzik's BIP102, and defining a second
versionbits activation bit (bit 2) for the combined activation.
The combined activation of segwit and 2Mb hard-fork nVersion bit is 2
This means that segwit can still be activated without the 2MB hard-fork by
signaling bit 1 in nVersion (DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT).
Bit 2 signaling StartTime = 1493424000; // April 29th, 2017
Bit 2 signaling Timeout = 1503964800; // August 29th, 2017
HardForkTime = 1513209600; // Thu, 14 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
For more information on how soft-forks are signaled and activated, see
This means that segwit would be activated before 2Mb: this is
as versionbits have been designed to have fixed activation periods and
thresholds for all bits. Making segwit and 2Mb fork activate together at a
delayed date would have required a major re-write of this code, which would
contradict the premise of creating a minimalistic patch. However, once
segwit is activated, the hard-fork is unavoidable.
Although I have coded a first version of the segwit2mb patch (which
modifies 120 lines of code, and adds 220 lines of testing code), I would
prefer to wait to publish the source code until more comments have been
received from the community.
To prevent worsening block verification time because of the O(N^2) hashing
problem, the simple restriction that transactions cannot be larger than 1Mb
has been kept. Therefore the worse-case of block verification time has only
Regarding the hard-fork activation date, I want to give enough time to all
active economic nodes to upgrade. As of Fri Mar 31 2017,
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/ reports that 6332 out of 6955 nodes (91%)
have upgraded to post 0.12 versions. Upgrade to post 0.12 versions can be
used to identify economic active nodes, because in the 0.12 release dynamic
fees were introduced, and currently no Bitcoin automatic payment system can
operate without automatic discovery of the current fee rate. A pre-0.12
would require constant manual intervention.
Therefore I conclude that no more than 91% of the network nodes
reported by
bitnodes are active economic nodes.
As Bitcoin Core 0.12 was released on February 2016, the time for this 91%
to upgrade has been around one year (under a moderate pressure of
operational problems with unconfirmed transactions).
Therefore we can expect a similar or lower time to upgrade for a hard-fork,
after developers have discussed and approved the patch, and it has been
reviewed and merged and 95% of the hashing power has signaled for it (the
pressure not to upgrade being a complete halt of the operations). However I
suggest that we discuss the hard-fork date and delay it if there is a real
need to.
Currently time works against the Bitcoin community, and so is delaying a
compromise solution. Most of the community agree that halting the
innovation for several years is a very bad option.
After the comments collected by the community, a BIP will be written
describing the resulting proposal details.
If segwit2mb locks-in, before hard-fork occurs all bitcoin nodes should be
updated to a Segwit2Mb enabled node to prevent them to be forked-away in a
chain with almost no hashing-power.
The proof of concept patch was made for Bitcoin Core but should be easily
ported to other Bitcoin protocol implementations that already support
versionbits. Lightweight (SPV) wallets should not be affected as they
generally do not check the block size.
I personally want to see the Lightning Network in action this year, use the
non-malleability features in segwit, see the community discussing other
exciting soft-forks in the scaling roadmap, Schnorr sigs, drivechains and
I want to see miners, developers and industry side-by-side pushing Bitcoin
forward, to increase the value of Bitcoin and prevent high transaction fees
to put out of business use-cases that could have high positive social
I believe in the strength of a unified Bitcoin community. If you're a
developer, please give your opinion, suggest changes, audit it, and take a
stand with me to unlock the current Bitcoin deadlock.
Contributions to the segwit2mb project are welcomed and awaited. The only
limitation is to stick to the principle that the patch should be as simple
to audit as possible. As an example, I wouldn't feel confident if the patch
modified more than ~150 lines of code.
Improvements unrelated to a 2 Mb increase or segwit, as beneficial as it
may be to Bitcoin, should not be part of segwit2Mb.
This proposal should not prevent other consensus proposals to be
simultaneously merged: segwit2mb is a last resort solution in case we can
not reach consensus on anything better.
Again, the proposal is only a starting point: community feedback is
expected and welcomed.
Sergio Demian Lerner
praxeology_guy via bitcoin-dev
2017-03-31 21:22:02 UTC
Sergio Demian Lerner: Please confirm that you understand that:

The current SegWit being proposed comes bundled with an effective 2MB block size increase.

Are you proposing the remove this bundled policy change, and then have a different BIP that increases the block size? Not quite clear if you understand what the current proposal is.

Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-03-31 21:50:05 UTC
Yes I understand that segwit2mb represents a "potential" 4Mb block size
But Segwit does not immediately lead to 2 Mb blocks, but can only achieve
close to a 2Mb increase if all Bitcoin wallets switch to segwit, which will
take a couple of years.
Therefore I don't expect transactions per block to quadruple from one day
to another.

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 6:22 PM, praxeology_guy <
Post by praxeology_guy via bitcoin-dev
The current SegWit being proposed comes bundled with an effective 2MB block size increase.
Are you proposing the remove this bundled policy change, and then have a
different BIP that increases the block size? Not quite clear if you
understand what the current proposal is.
Btc Drak via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-03 14:40:04 UTC
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
Miners signalling they have upgraded by flipping a bit in the nVersion
field has little relevance in a hard fork. If 100% of the hash power
indicates they are running this proposal, but the nodes don't upgrade, what
will happen?

For the record, I actually talk a lot about hard forks with various
developers and am very interested in the research that Johnson in
particular is pioneering. However, I have failed to understand your point
about 95% miner signalling in relation to a hard fork, so I am eagerly
awaiting your explanation.
Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-06 02:27:34 UTC
I personally appreciate the minimal changes, and often encourage
development to be done this way - when it needs to be released quickly.
But does this need to be released quickly?

- maybe the proposal should be renamed segwit 8mb and be discussed solely
in terms of block weights.

- a high consensus hard fork is probably preferable to a low consensus soft
fork, however there is nothing to indicate that segwit as it stands isnt
already very high consensus except for a handful of pool operators
protecting fee income.

- miners who currently object to segwit while pretending to like larger
blocks will find some excuse to object to this too.

- Given the challenges miners seem to have in flipping bits, I expect any
fork that requires 95pct hash power to be vaporware.

On Apr 3, 2017 11:02 AM, "Btc Drak via bitcoin-dev" <
Post by Btc Drak via bitcoin-dev
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
Miners signalling they have upgraded by flipping a bit in the nVersion
field has little relevance in a hard fork. If 100% of the hash power
indicates they are running this proposal, but the nodes don't upgrade, what
will happen?
For the record, I actually talk a lot about hard forks with various
developers and am very interested in the research that Johnson in
particular is pioneering. However, I have failed to understand your point
about 95% miner signalling in relation to a hard fork, so I am eagerly
awaiting your explanation.
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-06 20:58:56 UTC
Responding between lines...
Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
I personally appreciate the minimal changes, and often encourage
development to be done this way - when it needs to be released quickly.
But does this need to be released quickly?
Segwit2mb is a last resort option. It does not need to be released quickly.
Not at all. It just needs to be there in case no other option is chosen. I
put tentative dates. We can move them.
Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
- maybe the proposal should be renamed segwit 8mb and be discussed solely
in terms of block weights.
The name does not matter much. The name means joining segwit with a 2Mb
hard-fork. It's a grammatical name.

I also disagree with the idea that segwit2mb is a 8mb increase. As stated
by in the Bitcon.org website [1] and backed up by scientific research, “a
block filled with standard single-signature P2PKH transactions would be
about 1.6MB and a block filled with 2-of-2 multisignature transactions
would be about 2.0MB.”. As standard blocks are a combination between P2PKH,
and 2-of-3 multisignatures, the actual average segwit block size will be
close to 2.0MB.

Because Segwit2Mb doubles the maximum size of a block, the average block
size for a block filed with average transactions is 4.0Mb.

[1] https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-core/capacity-increases-faq#segwit-size

I can explain in a following e-mail why creating 8Mb blocks on purpose is
generally is an irrational choice. And in the case where it could provide
an economic benefit, adding parallel block validation to Core nullifies any
adversary advantage.
Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
a high consensus hard fork is probably preferable to a low consensus soft
fork, however there is nothing to indicate that segwit as it stands isnt
already very high consensus except for a handful of pool operators
protecting fee income.

You and me may never know the reasons why these operators (or many many of
other users) prefer to increase the block-size. I suppose it has to do high
the high current transaction fees as compared to less than a year ago.
Anyway consensus can only be achieved if one understands the others may
have reasons that do not match ours.

Last, if this proposal is rejected by any side, then we'll definitively
learn that side is not looking for any consensual resolution of the
Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
- miners who currently object to segwit while pretending to like larger
blocks will find some excuse to object to this too.
If they do, we'll get a lot of public, verifiable information from that
fact. The cost to include this patch is low compared with the benefit it
can bring and the information we can gather in case one of the sides
rejects it.

However, I've received positive feedback from them until now.
Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
- Given the challenges miners seem to have in flipping bits, I expect any
fork that requires 95pct hash power to be vaporware.
Then we'll learn a lot about hard-forks, the limits of miner "voting" and
the quorums we can expect.

Post by Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev
Post by Btc Drak via bitcoin-dev
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved
the segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
Miners signalling they have upgraded by flipping a bit in the nVersion
field has little relevance in a hard fork. If 100% of the hash power
indicates they are running this proposal, but the nodes don't upgrade, what
will happen?
For the record, I actually talk a lot about hard forks with various
developers and am very interested in the research that Johnson in
particular is pioneering. However, I have failed to understand your point
about 95% miner signalling in relation to a hard fork, so I am eagerly
awaiting your explanation.
bitcoin-dev mailing list
Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-06 20:42:19 UTC
The 95% miner signaling is important to prevent two Bitcoin forks, such as
what happened with Ethereum HF and Ethereum Classic.

Bitcoin has a very slow difficulty re-targeting algorithm. A fork that has
just 95% miner support will initially (for 2016 blocks) be 5% slower (an
average block every 10 minutes and 30 seconds). The transaction capacity of
the new Bitcoin protocol is reduced only 5%.
However the chain with 5% if the hashing power not only has a 20x capacity
reduction, but confirms transactions in 20x more time. So the mempool will
grow 400 times. It must be noted that fees increased 10x from the moment
blocks were half full, to the moment blocks became saturated. I'm sure no
Bitcoin (pre-fork) user will be willing to pay 100x times the transaction
fees to use such a slow and insecure network.

So a 6-block confirmation will take 20 hours in the original chain and the
original chain will be in this almost useless slow state for an average of
2016 blocks, or 280 days.
If the original blockchain hard-forks to re-adjust the difficulty, then it
will just represent an alt-coin having 5% of Bitcoin community, and it
can't affect Bitcoin (the segwit2mb fork).
Post by Btc Drak via bitcoin-dev
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved the
segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
Miners signalling they have upgraded by flipping a bit in the nVersion
field has little relevance in a hard fork. If 100% of the hash power
indicates they are running this proposal, but the nodes don't upgrade, what
will happen?
For the record, I actually talk a lot about hard forks with various
developers and am very interested in the research that Johnson in
particular is pioneering. However, I have failed to understand your point
about 95% miner signalling in relation to a hard fork, so I am eagerly
awaiting your explanation.
Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-06 21:03:12 UTC
Ups. My mistake: the mempool will not grow 400 times, the is no square
I will initially grow 20 times. Multiplied by the number of times a
transaction may need to be replaced with one with higher fees. Maybe 50
times, but not 400.

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 5:42 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The 95% miner signaling is important to prevent two Bitcoin forks, such as
what happened with Ethereum HF and Ethereum Classic.
Bitcoin has a very slow difficulty re-targeting algorithm. A fork that has
just 95% miner support will initially (for 2016 blocks) be 5% slower (an
average block every 10 minutes and 30 seconds). The transaction capacity of
the new Bitcoin protocol is reduced only 5%.
However the chain with 5% if the hashing power not only has a 20x capacity
reduction, but confirms transactions in 20x more time. So the mempool will
grow 400 times. It must be noted that fees increased 10x from the moment
blocks were half full, to the moment blocks became saturated. I'm sure no
Bitcoin (pre-fork) user will be willing to pay 100x times the transaction
fees to use such a slow and insecure network.
So a 6-block confirmation will take 20 hours in the original chain and the
original chain will be in this almost useless slow state for an average of
2016 blocks, or 280 days.
If the original blockchain hard-forks to re-adjust the difficulty, then it
will just represent an alt-coin having 5% of Bitcoin community, and it
can't affect Bitcoin (the segwit2mb fork).
Post by Btc Drak via bitcoin-dev
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved
the segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
Miners signalling they have upgraded by flipping a bit in the nVersion
field has little relevance in a hard fork. If 100% of the hash power
indicates they are running this proposal, but the nodes don't upgrade, what
will happen?
For the record, I actually talk a lot about hard forks with various
developers and am very interested in the research that Johnson in
particular is pioneering. However, I have failed to understand your point
about 95% miner signalling in relation to a hard fork, so I am eagerly
awaiting your explanation.
Aymeric Vitte via bitcoin-dev
2017-04-06 22:29:51 UTC
Not sure to get how you are answering the question
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
If the original blockchain hard-forks to re-adjust the difficulty,
then it will just represent an alt-coin having 5% of Bitcoin community,
and it can't affect Bitcoin (the segwit2mb fork).

destroys the whole thing

Because if the nodes don't upgrade and just implement the patch to
adjust the difficulty, what happens? You get a 95% mining power chain
with "no" nodes and a 5% one with "all" the nodes

I really don't get in all those discussions why the nodes are always
disconsidered compared to the miners, ie why they seem to be of zero
importance and are supposed to obey whatever you ask them

And apparently the trend is not going to revert if we look at the
priority features sent in the asicboost thread where motivating and
scaling full nodes is still something you need very powerful glasses to
see coming
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The 95% miner signaling is important to prevent two Bitcoin forks,
such as what happened with Ethereum HF and Ethereum Classic.
Bitcoin has a very slow difficulty re-targeting algorithm. A fork that
has just 95% miner support will initially (for 2016 blocks) be 5%
slower (an average block every 10 minutes and 30 seconds). The
transaction capacity of the new Bitcoin protocol is reduced only 5%.
However the chain with 5% if the hashing power not only has a 20x
capacity reduction, but confirms transactions in 20x more time. So the
mempool will grow 400 times. It must be noted that fees increased 10x
from the moment blocks were half full, to the moment blocks became
saturated. I'm sure no Bitcoin (pre-fork) user will be willing to pay
100x times the transaction fees to use such a slow and insecure network.
So a 6-block confirmation will take 20 hours in the original chain and
the original chain will be in this almost useless slow state for an
average of 2016 blocks, or 280 days.
If the original blockchain hard-forks to re-adjust the difficulty,
then it will just represent an alt-coin having 5% of Bitcoin
community, and it can't affect Bitcoin (the segwit2mb fork).
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has
approved the segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has
been activated (which should occur 2016 blocks after its
lock-in time)
Miners signalling they have upgraded by flipping a bit in the
nVersion field has little relevance in a hard fork. If 100% of the
hash power indicates they are running this proposal, but the nodes
don't upgrade, what will happen?
For the record, I actually talk a lot about hard forks with
various developers and am very interested in the research that
Johnson in particular is pioneering. However, I have failed to
understand your point about 95% miner signalling in relation to a
hard fork, so I am eagerly awaiting your explanation.
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R E Broadley via bitcoin-dev
2017-06-02 12:29:19 UTC
Miner signalling is not enough to avoid two forks - as has been proven in
the past (e.g. when miners signaled they were fully validating blocks when
there we in fact only validating headers). To really protect against two
forks happening, the code needs to detect this happening (i.e. monitor the
other fork) and if it's clear that the signalling was dishonest, then it
needs to abort, IMHO.

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The 95% miner signaling is important to prevent two Bitcoin forks, such as
what happened with Ethereum HF and Ethereum Classic.
Bitcoin has a very slow difficulty re-targeting algorithm. A fork that has
just 95% miner support will initially (for 2016 blocks) be 5% slower (an
average block every 10 minutes and 30 seconds). The transaction capacity of
the new Bitcoin protocol is reduced only 5%.
However the chain with 5% if the hashing power not only has a 20x capacity
reduction, but confirms transactions in 20x more time. So the mempool will
grow 400 times. It must be noted that fees increased 10x from the moment
blocks were half full, to the moment blocks became saturated. I'm sure no
Bitcoin (pre-fork) user will be willing to pay 100x times the transaction
fees to use such a slow and insecure network.
So a 6-block confirmation will take 20 hours in the original chain and the
original chain will be in this almost useless slow state for an average of
2016 blocks, or 280 days.
If the original blockchain hard-forks to re-adjust the difficulty, then it
will just represent an alt-coin having 5% of Bitcoin community, and it
can't affect Bitcoin (the segwit2mb fork).
Post by Btc Drak via bitcoin-dev
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev <
Post by Sergio Demian Lerner via bitcoin-dev
The hard-fork is conditional to 95% of the hashing power has approved
the segwit2mb soft-fork and the segwit soft-fork has been activated (which
should occur 2016 blocks after its lock-in time)
Miners signalling they have upgraded by flipping a bit in the nVersion
field has little relevance in a hard fork. If 100% of the hash power
indicates they are running this proposal, but the nodes don't upgrade, what
will happen?
For the record, I actually talk a lot about hard forks with various
developers and am very interested in the research that Johnson in
particular is pioneering. However, I have failed to understand your point
about 95% miner signalling in relation to a hard fork, so I am eagerly
awaiting your explanation.
bitcoin-dev mailing list