[bitcoin-dev] Interpreting nTime for the purpose of Bitcoin-attested timestamps
Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev
2016-09-18 04:20:01 UTC
As part of my recent work(1) on OpenTimestamps I've been putting some thought
towards how to interpret the nTime fields in block headers, for the purpose of
timestamping. I'd like to get some peer review on the following scheme I've
come up with.

# Motivation

We want to use the Bitcoin blockchain to provide evidence (the "attestation")
that a message M existed prior to some point in time T. Exactly how we do this
is beyond the scope of this post, but suffice to say we show that some block
header b cryptographically commits to the message, e.g. via a commitment
operation path proof, as implemented by OpenTimestamps.

A valid timestamp is simply one where T is a point in time where the message
did in fact exist. Of course, if a timestamp for time T is valid, all
subsequent T+d are also valid; such timestamps are simply more conservative
versions of the same statement.

A naively approach - as is implemented by most (all?) existing Bitcoin
timestamping schemes - is to assume that the block header's nTime field was
perfectly accurate, and thus M exists prior to the block's nTime. But that
doesn't take into account malicious miners, who may backdate their blocks.

# Threat Model

We assume miners are divided into two categories:

1) Dishonest Miners --- These miners are actively conspiring to create invalid
timestamps for time's prior to when the message existed. A dishonest miner will
set the nTime field in blocks they create to the minimum possible value.

2) Honest Miners --- These miners set nTime in blocks they create to
approximately the current true time. An honest miner may use techniques such as
nTime-rolling. Additionally, all honest miners may be simultaneously affected
by systematic misconfigurations.

## nTime Rolling

Prior to BIP113, reducing a block's nTime from the work given by a pool by even
a second could easily render it invalid, as the pool may have included
nLockTime'd transactions in the block. Thus hashing software was designed to
only roll nTime in the forward direction, not reverse, even though rolling
could be done in the reverse direction, up to the limit of the median-time-past
+ 1.

The Stratum mining protocol doesn't even have a way to tell clients what the
minimum allowed time is, just a single field, nTime, which is defined as "the
current time". Thus Stratum hashers will only ever increase nTime, which can
never result in an invalid timestamp if the original, unrolled, nTime would
have been a valid timestamp.

The getblocktemplate protocol does support telling hashers the minimum time via
the mintime field, which Bitcoin Core sets to the median-time-past. Regardless,
it appears that the pools supporting GBT (Eligius) return a much tighter limit
on mintime than the median-time-past, just 180 seconds, and as of writing,
don't actually declare that the ntime field is mutable anyway.

From an implementation point of view, relying on being able to roll nTime
backwards is unwise anyway, as the amount you can roll it back may be minimal
(e.g. if multiple blocks were recently found).

Since all miners have an incentive for time to move forward to keep difficulty
down it's reasonable to assume that the above observed behavior will continue,
and nTime rolling in the reverse direction will be a minimal effect; we'll
assume no miner rolls nTime backwards more than 1 hour.

## Systematic Errors

1) Botched daylight savings time changes --- While internal clocks should be
unaffected by timezone changes, it's plausible that some kind of mistake
related to daylight savings could result in the time being set incorrectly +- 1
hour. For example, multiple large miners might manually set their clocks, based
on an incorrect understanding of what time it was.

2) Broken NTP servers --- It's reasonable to assume that many miners are using
NTP to set their clocks, and it's plausible that they're using the same NTP
servers. Of course, a broken NTP server could return any time at all! The
Bitcoin protocol considers blocks to be valid if nTime is set up to 2 hours in
the future (from the perspective of the local node) so we'll say instead that
we expect systematic NTP errors to be corrected with high probability if
they're more than 2 hours in magnitude - more than that and the Bitcoin network
is broken in a very visible way anyway.

Thus, we'll assume honest miners always create blocks with nTime greater than
the true time minus two hours, which accounts for both likely daylight savings
time misconfigurations, and likely NTP server misconfigurations. Additionally,
two hours is greater than any expected effects from nTime rolling.

# Proposed Algorithm

For a timestamp anchored at a block of height x we'll define the time T it
represents as:

T = max(block[i].nTime for i in {x, ..., x + N-1}) + max_offset

In short, T is the maximum nTime out of the N blocks that confirmed the
timestamp, including first block that actually committed the timestamp;
max_offset is the maximum nTime offset we expect from a block created by an
honest miner, discussed above.

The dishonest miners can successfully create an invalid timestamp iff all N
blocks are found by them; if any block is found by an honest miner, the nTime
field will be set correctly. Of course T may not be the minimum possible value,
but the timestamp will be at least valid.

So how big should N be? Let q be the ratio of dishonest miners to total hashing
power. The probability that all N blocks are found by dishonest miners is q^N,
and thus the probability P that at least one block is found by an honest miner

P = 1 - q^N => N = log(1 - P)/log(q)

If the dishonest miners have q>0.5, the situation is hopeless, as they can
reject blocks from honest miners entirely; the only limit on them setting nTime
is the median-time-past rule, which only requires blocks timestamps to
increment by one second per block (steady state). Thus we'll assume q=0.5, the
worst possible case where a Bitcoin timestamp can still be meaningful evidence:

P = 97% => N = 5
P = 99% => N = 7
P = 99.9% => N = 10
P = 99.99% => N = 14
P = 99.999% => N = 17
P = 99.9999% => N = 20

The reliability for the higher N is higher than the actual reliability of
Bitcoin itself. On the other hand, there's no known instance where miners have
ever created blocks with nTime's significantly less than true time on a wide
scale; even in the well-known cases where the Bitcoin network has temporarily
failed due to forks, timestamps produced during those times would be valid, if
delayed by a few hours.

Similarly, if we assume a lower q, say a single "rogue" 20% mining pool, we

q = 0.20, P = 99.99% => N = 6

Another way to think about the choice of N is to compare its contribution to
how conservative the timestamp is - T as compared to the true time - to the
effect of the max-honest-miner-offset we choose earlier. For example, 98% of
the time at least 6 blocks will be found within 2 hours, which means that if we
pick N=7, 98% of the time the conservatism added by N will be less than the
contribution of the max offset.

# UI Considerations

One problem with the above algorithm is that it will frequently return
timestamps in the future, from the perspective of the user. A user who sees a
message like the following at 2:00 pm, immediately after their timestamp
confirms, is understandably going to be confused:

Bitcoin: 99% chance that <f> existed prior to 4:00 pm, Jan 1st 2016

A reasonable approach to this problem might just to refrain from displaying
timestamps at all until the local time is after the timestamp; the UI could
describe the timestamp as "Not yet confirmed"

It may also be reasonable to round the timestamp up to the nearest day when
displaying it. However what timezone to use is a tricky issue; people rarely
expect to see timezones specified alongside dates.

Of course, in some cases a less conservative approach to interpreting the
timestamp is reasonable; those users however should be reading and
understanding the calculations in this post!

# References

1) https://petertodd.org/2016/opentimestamps-announcement
https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org
Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev
2016-09-18 16:05:24 UTC
Would you not also have to consider (all) earlier blocks?
T = max(block[i].nTime for i in {x-100, ..., x, ..., x + N-1}) + max_offset
In case one or more previous blocks have an nTime considerably in the
future and blocks>= x have honest nTimes (or before true time).
Maybe not strictly for the goal you were describing here (conservative
estimate) but rather to prevent distinct timestamp events seeming to have
happened in the wrong order?
Well that's the thing: timestamps are simply proofs that something existed
prior to some time, nothing more, nothing less.

So it doesn't make sense for there to be any notion of the "wrong order" in a
timestamp proof; the proof either is or is not valid, but that has nothing to
do with other proofs. Additionally, the architecture of OpenTimestamps doesn't
and can't make any 100% guarantees about the apparent order of timestamps,
because it's always possible for an earlier timestamp to end up committed in
the blockchain after a later timestamp gets committed. It's not all that likely
of an event, but it is possible.

If you don't want that to be possible, you're going to need a dedicated chain
of transactions for your particular purpose, which adds a lot of complexity,
cost, and makes it much harder to achieve the same level of availability for
the service as a whole.

Remember that for many use-cases the user experience is that there's two or
more claimed dates, and OpenTimestamps simply verifies that those dates are
plausible. Take for example, timestamped git commits:

commit 536411e73b8c23dc2fdfd78052c893f578444926
ots: Got 2 attestation(s) from cache
ots: Success! Bitcoin attests data existed as of Thu Sep 15 01:07:08 2016 EDT
ots: Good timestamp
gpg: Signature made Thu 15 Sep 2016 12:10:25 AM EDT
gpg: using RSA key 6399011044E8AFB2
gpg: Good signature from "Peter Todd <***@petertodd.org>"
gpg: aka "[jpeg image of size 5220]"
Author: Peter Todd <***@petertodd.org>
Date: Thu Sep 15 00:10:20 2016 -0400

Release v0.2.0

Here we have the date on the git commit, another date a few seconds later for
the PGP signature, and a third date an hour later for the Bitcoin timestamp,
attesting to the fact that the two other dates for that one git commit are
https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org
Tom Harding via bitcoin-dev
2016-09-19 16:13:40 UTC
Post by Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev
The probability that all N blocks are found by dishonest miners is q^N,
That's the probability that dishonest miners find N blocks in a row
immediately. What you want is the probability that they can build a
chain N blocks long, taking the random-walk into account.

So use Satoshi's formula from bitcoin.pdf, section 11. The results are
remarkably different. In particular, q=.5 is totally insecure, since
for any N, both factions are guaranteed to eventually possess a chain of
length N anchored at x at some point during the wild reorg melee.
Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev
2016-09-19 17:56:15 UTC
Post by Tom Harding via bitcoin-dev
Post by Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev
The probability that all N blocks are found by dishonest miners is q^N,
That's the probability that dishonest miners find N blocks in a row
immediately. What you want is the probability that they can build a
chain N blocks long, taking the random-walk into account.
So use Satoshi's formula from bitcoin.pdf, section 11. The results are
remarkably different. In particular, q=.5 is totally insecure, since
for any N, both factions are guaranteed to eventually possess a chain of
length N anchored at x at some point during the wild reorg melee.
Ah! That's a good point; my analysis only applies to the case where you're
assuming the dishonest miners aren't willing to lose revenue from the attack by
mining a less-work chain with blocks that won't end up in the main chain. I
should state that assumption more clearly.

If the dishonest miners are willing to spend money to create an invalid
timestamp the analysis is quite different. In OpenTimestamps a timestamp
doesn't contain the actual block headers - just a block height - so verifiers
are expected to have a working Bitcoin node. If that Bitcoin node is in sync
with the most-work work chain there's no risk: the blocks created by the
dishonest miners won't be part of the most-work chain, and validation of the
timestamp will fail.

In the case where the verifier is not in sync with the most-work chain, an
attacker can sybil attack the verifier's node and cause them to think that the
blocks committing the invalid timestamp are in fact the most-work chain. This
case is no different than a payee being sybil attacked, so we can use the same
analysis we would in that circumstance.

This also means that timestamps definitely shouldn't contain the block headers
of the blocks allegedly confirming them - that's an extremely weak proof given
the relative ease of creating a block, particularly when you take into account
that the same block could be used to create an unlimited number of fake
timestamps. OpenTimestamps doesn't do this, but it wouldn't hurt to make this
point 100% clear.
https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org
Tom Harding via bitcoin-dev
2016-09-19 19:53:46 UTC
I should state that assumption more clearly.
Glad to get you thinking, and I need to change my suggestion. The
catch-up formula is not applicable because it doesn't limit how long the
dishonest miners have to catch up.

Instead you want the probability that the honest miners can build a
chain N blocks long before the dishonest miners do the same, which is

CDF[Erlang(N, q) - Erlang(N, 1 - q), 0]

I have some apparatus for doing this numerically without simulation if
you're interested.
